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LONDON - United Kingdom based Zimbabwean private radio station has released another list of names of Robert Mugabe's notorious spy agency the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO).

SW Radio Africa continues with Part 2 of the list of Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) agents working in and outside Zimbabwe. The document is dated 2001 and is a list of ‘operatives’ working at that time. Some agents may have retired or passed away, many are still serving. The serialization of the 480+ names is being done alphabetically over six weeks.

At number 42 on the list is Elias Kanengoni, in 2001 just an ‘operative’. He gained notoriety during the 1990 general elections when he shot the late former Gweru Mayor Patrick Kombayi. Kanengoni and a ZANU PF activist, Kizito Chivamba, pumped over six bullets into Kombayi’s groin. Kombayi’s only crime was to contest against Mugabe’s deputy, the late Vice-President Simon Muzenda, for a parliamentary seat in Gweru.

Despite both Kanengoni and Chivamba being sentenced to serve a seven year jail sentence they were controversially pardoned by Mugabe, using his presidential powers. Not only was Kanengoni pardoned he has since been promoted, rising through the CIO ranks to Deputy Director General (internal). Last year he was appointed into the ZANU PF Central Committee, sparking protests from the MDC-T that a serving CIO chief should not be taking part in politics.

In 2008 the CIO was rocked by serious infighting between Director General Happton Bonyongwe and his late deputy Maynard Muzariri. Bonyongwe was accused of supporting the presidential bid of Simba Makoni, while Muzariri backed Mugabe to stay in power. The rivalry was so intense it nearly paralysed the organization as the two CIO bosses spent time spying on each other. Showing how Mugabe rewards loyal operatives it was reported that the ZANU PF leader contemplated making Kanengoni the Director General of the CIO, to stop the infighting.

Last year in June Kanengoni was doing the bidding of his masters again. He was reported to have assembled a hit squad that was responsible for ‘disciplining’ villagers in Chiweshe who did not toe the ZANU PF line during the constitutional outreach meetings.

At number 123 is Kizito Gweshe who is listed as a ‘Deputy Intelligence Officer’. Our investigations have shown that his stint in the CIO has seen him being richly rewarded. In addition to a plush home in the Pomona, Borrowdale suburb of Harare, he grabbed the Wanimo Farm in Chegutu from the Wolstenholme family.

The seizure of this and many other farms in the Chegutu area was to be the backbone of a test case brought before the regional SADC Tribunal in which the affected farmers challenged the land grab. The farmers won the case, but Mugabe’s regime disregarded the ruling and recently the Tribunal was dissolved by SADC leaders to protect Mugabe.

At number 145 is Bruce Karimbika, listed as an ‘operative’. Karimbika enrolled at the Harare Polytechnic around 1994 to about 1996, studying what was believed to be either computers or business studies. Many believed he was there primarily to spy on student activists at the college. Around 2001 he was stationed at the Munhumutapa Buildings which house the offices of Robert Mugabe. He is still employed by the CIO, although his exact role at present is unknown.

Since publication of Part 1 of our list we have received further information about some of the names. At number 15 was Sign Chabvonga. Our investigations have revealed that he spent quite some time in the United States before he went back to Zimbabwe recently. We are informed that, starting in 1999, he worked as a ‘political attaché’ at the Zimbabwean Embassy in the US capital, Washington.

He is one of many that show a consistent pattern within the CIO, where most ‘Deputy Intelligence Officers’ have been promoted and sent abroad. Hamad Adam (1), Paul Chikawa (42) and Edward Chinoza (56) were all deployed to Zimbabwean embassies abroad.

See CIO list of operatives 2001 Part 2


Source : The Zimbabwe Mail

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