Tags - don

Mum said I was a natural business man ever since I was a child.   When I knew of the value of money and what it can buy or do, I easily learned that I should earn it too. I used to sing some Chritmas Carols to them then ask for some penny while they are bu
nick 12.08.2011 0 2368

Mum said I was a natural business man ever since I was a child. When I knew of the value of money and what it can buy or do, I easily learned that I should earn it too. I used to sing some Chritmas Carols to them then ask for some penny while they are busy
nick 12.08.2011 0 1658

Au total, 138 tentes ont été achetées, pour environ 5 000 euros. Le reste a financé médicaments, bonnets, site Internet et déplacements en province.  TRÈS exactement 13 289 euros. Avec un budget minimum, les Enfants de Don Quichotte ont obtenu en deux mois
KHADHORMEDIA 19.02.2011 0 3107