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I Am A Fan

The King of Pop is gone, but his legacy continues forever. Michael Jackson's songs will forever be played in radios, mostly on Sundays, television programs, and maybe in movies as theme songs. He has been dead for a couple of years already, but it still seems fresh to people around the world, especially for his fans. To his family, his departure may be still hard to cope with. Being a fan, I realized these things when his son appeared on the news just recently. It made me write about it for our feature essay paper on my Journalism class. In reality, he is not really gone.

This recent news related to him was about his fourteen-year old son who wore something utterly similar to what his father wore at a music awards in 1989. Prince Michael Jackson wore a red polo and black coat when he attended an event at the charity. I am pretty sure he did that because he wants to show the people that his father is not really gone and that he will continue to help the charity. In addition, I think he did that because he also misses his father, especially during times when he is supposed to represent him in events like this one.

williams 28.09.2011 0 2277
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what a lovely sight *looking at my crush right now*
28.09.2011 (4613 days ago)
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